Wisdom Pool

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Choice - World Quotes

"Our greatest superpower as human beings is our power to choose all our responses to a world that is beyond our control. Although the things that hurt and confound us are limitless, so is our ability to choose our responses to them, however buried, blocked or obsure those choices may be. Just realizing the option we have to choose every reponse is liberating and empowering. It is the pathway to emotional mastery."

-Neil Coen

"CYE Choose Your Emotion."

-Jeffrey Chambers

"Morale is a choice, not an accident."

-Barry Sweet

"Talk or listen. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"Choose your glasses. Dark colored or rose-colored. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"Blame or fix. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"Relationship: Connect. Disconnect. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"Multi-task or mono-task. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"Strive or savor. Choose."


"It’s Friday... have a good weekend and… MAKE GOOD CHOICES!"

-Neil Coen

"God grant me the ability to Let Go
of the things I cannot change; 
the energy & stamina to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference. "

-Skyler Brooks

"Humans underestimate their capacity for choice. "

-Barry Sweet












































































