The Path to Mastery - World Quotes
"There is no Mastery. There is only the Path to Mastery."
-Neil Coen
"The Path to Mastery is in moving in your personal stretch from 90% to 91%."
-Barry Sweet
"Progress, not perfection."
-Claudia Kozak
"Do today better than yesterday."
"Do tomorrow better than today."
-Barry Sweet
"It’s a great leap forward
In Life
When one learns
Not to strive for
-Dale S. Kosewick
"PBI Progress By Increments."
-Barry Sweet
"I celebrate your stretch."
-Paul McLaughlin
"In our work and lives
we can’t be perfect,
but we do aim for excellence."
-Barry Sweet
"When something evolves,
Everything around that thing
-The Alchemist
"Unless you try
To do something
Beyond what you
Have already
You will never grow."
"Get out on the skinny branches!"
-Monte McBroom
"Come to the edge," He said.
They said, "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge," He said.
They came.
He pushed them...
and they flew.
-Guillaume Apollinaire
"Never waste any time not being stoked on life."
-Micheli Oliver
"Your strengths are not actually your greatest strengths. Your weaknesses are actually your greatest strengths when you intentionally work to refine them."
-Neil Coen
"If there is resistance within you, that means there is something there for you to look at."
-Caryn Ling
"Continuous Forward Progress. Sometimes."
Title Photo Credit for The Path to Mastery - World Quotes: Steve Halama