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Book - Freedom Thru Acronyms

Freedom Thru Acronyms

by Barry Sweet

The Acronyms that have the most power for me on a daily basis.


JL - Juice Life! (Like an orange and get every drop. Don’t miss one.) 
PTU’s - Precious Time Units (There are only so many in a day, so many in a lifetime. Don’t let them slip through your fingers.)
CP - Community Pool (The pool in which we all swim, You can’t make a polluted contribution to the pool and think its going to get on everybody else and not get on you too. It will get on you too. So it is encouraged to swim clean and make as many clean water contributions to the Community Pool as possible. The result all boils down to math.)
CPC’s - Community Pool Contributions
PDCs - Positive Daily Contributions (To the Community Pool which determines the quality of our mutual swim)
NDCs - Negative Daily Contributions (To the Community Pool which determines the quality of our mutual swim)
TSEs - Time Sensitive Events (Children for example are TSE’s, they grow up, go to college and you can’t make them small and bounce them on your knee anymore.  Therefore, it is wise not to let the Time slip away. Therefore it is wise to juice while the juicin’s good.)
EVAMP- Energy Vampire (pronounced ee-vamp)(Those people who suck your energy)
TVAMP - Time Vampire (pronounced tee-vamp)(Those situations that suck your time)
JVAMP - Juice Vampire (pronounced jay-vamp)(Those people/situations that suck your Juice)
SL - Savor Life! (Like you would if you were having lunch at the Savoy Hotel in London. Close your eyes and kick back your head and savor.)
SL - Surf Life (When the waves of life rise menacingly above you, you can cry out “I’m gonna die...!” or you can say “…Wait a minute… wait a minute… I can surf this! And turn around and surf!)
WDYHTL? - What Do You Have To Lose? (Risk empowerment question)
WDYHTG? - What Do You Have To Gain? (Risk empowerment cousin question)
RUL - Reasons Unveiled Later (Most often in times of confusion, the reasons are unveiled later. You can find a degree of rest in this.
RNR - Reasons Never Revealed (But sometimes… the reasons are never revealed)
RNUs - Random Nonsense Units (Occasionally a handful of these are thrown onto life just for sport and texture)
RCU - Random Confusion Units (Occasionally a handful of these are thrown onto life just to keep us on our toes)
LINTS - Life Is Not That Serious (A good reminder)
TINTS - Time Is Not That Serious
BLUs - Better Left Unsaid (Some things are)
PBI - Progress By Increments (It makes life easier when we remember that life is most often PBI)
TAB - Take A Bite (The proverbial easiest way to eat an elephant)
LBB - Life By Bites
PBB - Progress By Bites
PBP - Progress By Plateaus (Just get to the next plateau and you can take a break or backburner for a while. The following plateau will be more visible and easier to attain)
PH - Percolation Hour (Another way of tapping the power of the backburner principle)
TMITP - Ten Minutes In The Pool (Incredibly powerful tool to getting over project paralysis)
HH - Honesty Hour (One of the richest yet, at the begining, most frightening things we can do for ourselves in our time alone. And WDYHTL? You for sure, won’t reject yourself. Try it. It is liberating to finally, finally, finally accept your whole self)
VEG - Vocal Exploring Guide (This needs to be explained by Barry. See the Video at wisdompool.org)
SEG - Sensual Exploring Guide (This needs to be explained by Barry. Room Seven stuff. Find him and ask. He's not going to do a video on this one.)
ETU - Every Transaction Ugly (If your relationship has reduced to this, it is time to get out. Contempt in a relationship is the mark of death.)
ETR - Every Transaction Respectful (The foundation of healthy relationships)
ETC - Every Transaction Chivalrous, Every Transaction Courteous (The foundation of elegance)
TS - Thot Stream (Your mind is always running, this is the scripto-recording or writing down of your thots so that you can sequentially build on them rather than just letting them drift off to get lost in the mist)
TSR - Thot Steam Recording (The process of recording your thot stream ideas in writing so that you are able to capture the extraordinary window of opportunity of being able to then build on them rather than having them disappear forever into the mist.)
MS - Microsensor (all Imbalances)
RFR- Red Flag Response (One of the most powerful tools of life. Behavior you are trying to modify? Create a mental RFR Trigger to remind you to let the specified culprit behavior, be your reminder to change)
TNT - Think New Thots (Don’t re-groove that neuropathyway! Re-route it!)
TSN - Try Something New (Don’t walk down that same street! Walk down a new one for a change.) 
DTADWAE – Do Things A Different Way And Evaluate (Do any repetitive behavior a different way.  You’ll be amazed at the insight breakthoughs you will see)
JBF - Justified By Faith (Instantly)
SBF - Sanctified By Faith (Like a round stone shaped by a million years of water)(Progress By Increments PBI)
SBI - Sanctification By Increments (a million year process)(PBI)
COG - Child Of God (I'm nothing but a Cog in the machine) (= freedom, total freedom, peace, total trust, freedom to move)
COT - Change One Thing (Sometimes this is all it takes to break through the berm, and get out of the eddy, and get back out into flowing water again)
MTT - Move Ten Things (One of the most powerful tools for change and getting unstuck when you are stuck or experiencing paralysis. SImple. Attainable.)
ATR - All Things Resolve (The Manual Override Red Flag Reminder Response for Moments Of Desperation)
FMOD - Fleeting Moments Of Desperation (They don’t feel like it at the time, but they always go away.  Think about it.  They always have gone away in the past. It’s a pretty sure bet that they will go away in the future. Rest in this.)
RIT – Rest In This (This single phrase is one of your greatest Manual Overrides. It reminds you to trust the things that you really believe rather than being consumed by the gripping emotion of the moment)
ICA - Inevitable Coming About (All who do not now see you, get you, know you, will one day see you, get you, know you)
CVC - Chocolate. Vanilla. Choose. (A useful forced decision-making tool)
CDC - Connect.  Disconnect.  Choose. (Use this technique with evamps and toxic relationships)
DEQ - Deep End Questions (good to memorize a handful of these)
SEQ - Shallow End Questions (good to memorize a handful of these for when it gets too heavy)
DAF - Don’t Answer Fast (I use this when asking people reflection questions. Watch their eyes turn inward.  It is one of the most wonderful moments of relationship)
MM - Mutual Mentorship (Everybody mentors everybody and each helps each other grow up. There is not one wise sage who mentors the initiates.  We all have huge reservoirs and resource pools of knowledge and wisdom to share. Another may have your missing key to the meaning of life.  Deep end of the pool dialogue is how we find them. No one is exempt from learning. There are a hundred ways to photograph an elephant. Ask for someone else’s photo and expand your one-sided perpective)
TFU - Temporary Freeze Up (Ever experienced this? It goes away, but it is miserable at the moment. You can recover. Acknowledge it. Recover. Continue on.)
PP - Pump Primers (Self-disclosure opens the way for others to self-disclose)
SOL - Student of Life
PEUs - Precious Energy Units (Cousin to PTU – Precious Time Unit. These fluctuate throughout the day according to input and output. Know and list your personal rechargers)
REUs - Required Energy Units (Each task requires so many of these)
AEUs - Available Energy Units (How many you have available to face a given task. You can boost  these by spending time alone to reflect and identify “What are your rechargers?” Look this checklist up at wisdompool.org )
EUBs - Energy Unit Boosters (reading, food, nap, sleep, sex, bath, rock & roll, etc. Any form of INPUT vs. OUTPUT)
EUDs - Energy Unit Drainers/Depleters (working, commuting, etc.  Any form of OUTPUT vs. INPUT)
LEUs - Low Energy Units (When you recognize that you are running on Low Energy Units, these are the times to read, relax, veg out, snack, do mindless stuff and Recharge Energy Units for future OUTPUT
HEUs - High Energy Units (When you realize that you are running High on Energy Units, these are the times to do OUTPUT and maximize your momentum)
REU - Recharge Energy Units
UPS - Unlimited Power Supply (for me this is avocational writing or doing Recon for Romantic Dates with Beautiful Joan or Basking)
ITN - Ignore The Naysayers
TTT - The Tomorrow Trap (All work and no leisure = a mirage)
ATUCFYS - All The Universe Conspires For Your Success (Even if this is not true, it is a nice thought. Thank you Paulo Coelho)
YUY - Your Unique You (Celebrate your crazy)
YBY - You Be You (no one can do it better, don’t deprive the world of you)
EPHOHS - Every Problem Has One hundred Solutions (Three are lying out in the open on the ground and easy to see. 97 are buried and in the same category a treasure. You must dig to find the hidden diamond solutions.  Listing 100 Solutions takes 45 minutes. Barry must explain this. See the video: The Secret to Creative Solutions at wisdompool.org)
NGS - No Good Solutions (Sometimes there are...)
OSA - One Step Away (In reality you are often just One Step Away from reaching the future state of which you dream. This can allow you to stay suspended for a little longer)
LOE - Lesser Of Evils
EHC - Ever-present Human Condition
HC - Human Condition (We are all inextricably caught up in this.  We bumble stuff, break stuff, hurt each other, blunder things. This is part of being on earth)
CH - Charming Humanity (We overhear in passing, for example) someone mention the name of their favorite candy bar and a week later they find one in their in-box at work, with no note)
JAG - Just A Guy
JAG - Just A Gal
LC - Life Compliment  (Every once in a while someone will give you one of these e.g “You are the kind of dad that I always wish I had” Make a place that your write these down and can go read them when you are in a funk. You forget them if you don't write them down.)
TPH - Third Party Hearing  (You overhear someone talking when you are not supposed to be overhearing them. This is the most effective kind of hearing = zero boundaries = maximum penetration, causes hyper-reflection on your own life)
WP - Wellness Police (When we look out for each other)
AP - Atmosphere Police (My stock phrase that I would say when I would enter a room where my kids were playing and turn off the blaring overhead light and turn on the soft warm cozy lamps)
CN - Checkbook Nazi
WSM - Wicked Step Mother (There’s always one lurking in every crowd)
AAWA  - Do you believe in God or do you believe that this is all an "Amazing And Wonderful Accident?"
TTLG - Things to let go (Make a list)
DATO - Don’t Attach To Outcomes (Remain neutral and impartial and temporarily suspend judgment, have a “We’ll See” Approach)
TMWO - Trust Me With Outcomes (Spiritual people do this with God and this is their Foundation of Peace)
CYE - Choose Your Emotions (The four primary emotions: Mad, Sad, Glad and Afraid)
CYD - Choose your Dock (You choose to dock to either Mad, Sad, Glad or Afraid and let the juice of that chosen emotion flow into you. You choose which dock and which duration, but in the end, you choose.)
MYD - Mind Your Dock (Dock to a negative emotion only long enough to find solution. Then undock and redock to positive. Humans underestimate their capacity for choice. “To dock or not to dock… that is the question…."  "Self-nurture or self-poison. Choose.”
WOT - What Others Think
WIT - What I Think
WITOT - What I Think Others Think
WGT - What God Thinks
AA - Awkward Alert! (Microsensoring all of life’s fringe moments)
SM - Sphincter Moment
OSH - Oh Shit Handle (The handle in a 1970 Volkswagen bug just above the glove compartment, suitable for grabbing in spontaneous moments of panic)
PHC - Patient Husband Chair (There is one near every woman’s dressing room in every major department store in the world)
GTFO Plan - Get The F Out (A handy principle used by teachers in at-risk schools, “If you by your actions show that don’t want to be here… then for you, it’s the GTFO Plan)
RTW - Recurring Theme Weave (It was a wisp or hunch last time… now it is a pattern that you can identify)
POE - Pool of Emotions.  (Neutral PH balance at the beginning of each day.  You choose which emotions you will drop into the pool. Which largely determines the quality of your day's swim.) 
IAGC - It’s All Good Choices.  Forced with a tough choice? We’re just really lucky to live in the free world and know each other.)
IGIG - I got it good.  Only look at how you’ve got it good (not how you’ve got it bad).
MYG - Mind Your Glasses (Life is half full glasses, Life is half empty glasses, “Oh yeah, I’m sorry… my life is half empty glasses just snuck on to my face”) “With all this horse manure there’s gotta be a pony in here somewhere!”
IAS - Its Always Something. (or... Ian Aaron Schwartz)
EOBA - Either Or/Both And (When life makes you choose… choose both)
TEIAP - Turn Everything Into A Party (Detours, Disappointment, Boges, Hell) Ask Barry to explain what a Boge is or see Boge Management Plan below)
THIAP - Turn Hell Into A Party (or at least die trying)
JTM - Juice The Mandatories (Life throws manadatories in front of you. If you determine that there is no escaping it, it is a mandatory… so… “Might as well juice it!”)
YCHAIYDA - You Cant Have Anything If You Don’t Ask (So ask. WDYHTL? WDYHTG?)
RE - Redeem Everything (Jesus is does this. You can too. Makes for a great world.)
IR - Inevitable Reconciliation (I had a fallout with a friend that lasted for years.  I had a dream one night… that we both died in the same moment and were standing side-by-side looking up at the pearly gates. Suddenly aware that someone was standing beside us we both looked and saw each other.  I looked back at the gates and said “I’m sorry for the way I acted down there...” He said “I’m sorry too...” I woke up from that dream and the next day called him and said “I’m sorry for the way I have acted over the past few years...” He said “I’m sorry too...”  We have since then been best friends for the past 30 years.  If it is inevitable that we will one day be reconciled with our unreconciled friends, then why not go ahead and do it now.)
ST - Stack Time (If time is fanned out like a deck of cards in a straight line. But if we took time and laid it all instead of in a line but, on top of each other, like stacking a deck of cards so that all of the events of time where to happen all at the same time… Could we thereby accelerate time? Can we speed up time? In other words, if I will forgive someone in the future anyway, after an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year… why not stack time and do it now?) 
WJ - Window Judge (A person walks past a window and sees a man with the raised hand yelling, and a woman cowering. The person calls the police on a domestic violence call and when the police arrive they find the man was willing to swat the bee with his open bare hand to protect his beloved from being stung and thereby risking lapsing into his own knowing anaphylactic shock. A Window Judge gets only a snapshot and thinks they understand the whole movie.)
AAT - Allocate A Time (I worry only on Wednesdays. This goes for being angry, hurt, mourning or any of the so called negative emotions) I call this Appointmentizing. Give the strong emotion or consuming thot an appointment. "Your appointment is not till tomorrow morning at 9am"
AATL - Allocate A Time Limit (I will worry only for 30 minutes, I will worry only till 1:30. This goes for being angry, hurt, mourning or any of the so called negative emotions)
SE - Searing Event (Some significant event happens to us in childhood that affects us so significantly that it is like meat searing on a hot pan, this creates an initial neuropathway that sears us and lasts a lifetime, shaping our behavior)
CSE - Cumulative Searing Events (After that Initial Searing Event occurs, other events, different, but with the “exact same emotional essence” or "synonymous emotion" glom on to the center nucleus of the original searing event making it a bigger ball (glomming), again later, another emotionally synonymous event occurs glomming on to the other previous events, and then followed by other synonymously equal emotional events leading to adulthood where the layered ball has become so big that we couldn’t even begin to unravel why we are the way we are, as the events themselves have all fallen out of memory... but the emotional impact remains within us. The key is to get back as far to the center nucleus searing event as you can get.)
FKAFL - Fully Known And Fully Loved (that state which our hearts have longed for, for a lifetime.)
MIPs - Manually Inserted Pos-Emotions (Barry must talk about this, but you can figure it out)
MENs - Manually Extracted Neg-Emotions (Barry must talk about this, but you can figure it out)
DE - Default Emotion (Circumstances and incidents evoke emotions. But you have a Default Emotion. What is yours? Happy? Grumpy? Content? Discontent? What is your Default Emotion?)
AP - Autopilot (Left un-analyzed we kick into Autopilot. Change involves invoking ManualOverride. Best practice is to set Manual Override Reminders)
MO - Manual Override (If we wish to change from Auto-Pilot, we must reach up and grab the Manual Override lever in our lives and Manually Override the things that drive us when left unchecked, for example: One can Manually Override one’s auto-set Default Emotion from fear… to trust)
MOR - Manual Override Reminders (Microsensor when you kick into Autopilot, when it occurs let Autopilot kick in a Red Flag Response to Shift into Manual Override. This is like waking yourself up.)
ODJ - Observe Don’t Judge (The guy cuts you off on the freeway. The observation is: That guy just cut me off on the freeway. The Judgment Harsh is “What a Jerk.”  The Judgment Kind is “He must be on his way to the hospital.”   You drop a glass on the floor in the kitchen and it breaks.  The observation is: I just dropped a glass on the floor in the kitchen and it broke.  The Judgment Harsh is “What a klutz, I’m such a loser.”  The Judgment Kind is “You know… I don’t do that very often.”  We can be harsh in our judgments of others or kind in our judgments of others. We can be harsh in our judgments of ourselves or we can be kind in our judgments of ourselves. But it is a choice. Harsh or Kind. Choose. But even better is to choose to not be judgmental at all. To choose to just Observe. You choose where to put the period. After the Observation… after the judgment harsh… or after the judgment kind. But it is the intentional person who puts the period after the Observation… and leves it at that.)
LDJ - Love Don’t Judge (God says, “It is your job to love. It is my job to judge. You love. I’ll judge. You don’t know enough to judge. I do. You do know enough to love. You love. I’ll judge. It’s your job to love. It’s my job to judge. It’s not your job to judge. It’s your job to love. I'll judge. You love. You love. I'll judge. It’s your job to love. Love. Don’t Judge.)
ROL - River Of Life.  (Paddle wildly, paddle casually, or drift.  Explore the left bank, explore the right bank, or drift. Choose. In the end God has only a general plan for your life… to enjoy the river and to get to the ocean.  If we want to see/explore more we can choose to do varying degrees of effort in paddling.  God doesn’t care how hard you paddle, but you may desire more, so there is room to exert effort to explore the river, if you so choose.  Optional Presuppositions: If you want to go to the left bank but life takes you to the right bank… the right bank was better for you in the end anyway.  OR your story is undetermined and many story endings will be OK with God.  God is flexible. So paddle where you wish.)
POC - Piece Of Cake (Chuck Manci 1992)
NBD - No Big Deal (Chuck Manci 1992)
NTD Days – Nothing To Do Days (I love NTD days)
ZO - Zoom Out (Take a Penny and put it up to your eye. Now extend it out to arms length) Shrink even the biggest problems/events (any problem) Annual Stress Events, Cancer, so small that it looks miniscule and place it just outside of peripheral vision. Manually do this every time it looms back big into your eye… Zoom Out!)
YTMT - Let’s play Your Theory, My Theory (Interesting exercise in subjectivity and objectivity)
YTMT - Your Turn, My Turn (Your turn to win, my turn to lose, your turn to celebrate, my turn to mourn, This time its your turn, next time it will be mine. It all evens out. Celebrate with others when they celebrate, mourn with others when they mourn.)
CODB - Cost Of Doing Business (A fact of life. Face it. Live with it. Settle with it.)
YPMP - Your Perspective, My Perspective (Let’s share what our experiences have led us to thus far on the Journey of Life)
WWCD? - What Would Coyote Do? (Raven, Coyote, Prankster)
WWAFD? - What Would A Farmer Do? (Buy a new one or fix it with baling wire and duct tape?)
3ROD - 3 Rooms Of Discovery (Barry must explain this. See the Video: Vocal Exploring Guide at wisdompool.org)
7RD - 7 Rooms Deep (Each of us is 7 rooms deep. Which rooms will you open to others? Which will you allow to remain closed? Which rooms will you open to yourself? Which will you allow to remain closed?)
7Q - 7 Questions (Questions that you memorize to get into the deep end of the pool with others rather that remaining in more superficial states of relationship. See the Book: Seven Questions at Wisdompool.org)
E3 - Empower, Equip, Encourage. (I try to do this with everyone I know.)
KFDB - Know, Feel, Do, Be (The primary educational tool I use. Addresses the Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral, Character Domains in each learner)
HOL - Hallway Of Life (Barry must explain this. See the Video: The Secret to Creative Solutions at Wisdompool.org)
TT - Tunnel Theory (Occasionally you get caught in the Tunnels of Life. Looking down from above the Tunnel Of life is not a straight tunnel; instead it is comprised of back and forth curves. If you stop while you are in the middle of the tunnel, you will sit in darkness. So keep moving. It is the only way to get out. Light starts as ambient light almost at the end.  Two curves from the end it is still pitch black. Keep moving.
SYB - Settle Your Basecamp (Every once in a while you have to stop and do this) If you attempt go to Everest without settling your basecamp, you end up having a sort of uneasy, pernicious, dread all the way to the summit. If you settle your basecamp along the way, you can feel settled and way more enjoy your summit expedition (without that insipid, pernicious, uneasy, "I have forgotten something" dreaded, dread. 
FB - Floating Baseline (A stable baseline gives you a place from which to measure, but occasionally when all of your variables move, you have to measure taking into account a floating baseline. This can be like shooting skeet from a surfboard) See the Video: Humor, Laughter and The Matrix at Wisdompool.org
FL - Fuzzy Logic (Most logic is linear and sequential, but not all of it...)
FP - Fuzzy Progress (Most progress is linear and sequential, but not all of it...)
PR - Pattern Recognition (The primary key to all problem solving. Remembering that one occurance is a pattern… puts you miles ahead of thinking that two or three occurances unveil a pattern)
PC - Poor Communicator (One of the men I admire most in life said that after years he discovered that he was a Poor Communicator. I argued no. He argued yes. He said that he would give his employees instructions to go do a project, and when he went to inspect the project it was all wrong. Time after time with the same result. He realized that he did not accurately describe the picture in his head. He thought that they could see the picture. But they could not. Now he describes things in detail and feels that he is a much better communicator. Your mind communicates with your hand in a microsecond because they have been friends for years. Your hand does projects exactly as your mind wanted because they can speak volumes in that millisecond. To communicate with that degree of clarity to another person takes a lot more time and a lot more detail and a lot more time.  I call this The Three Minute Talk. A Poor Communicator does not take this extra time to insure that communication/connecting is attained. With a Poor Communicator, everybody suffers. With a Good Communicator, life can be sweet and rich.)
GC - Good Communicator (A person that takes the extra time (3 minutes) to make sure that what they say is what is heard. Good communication takes time and mindful awakeness and gentle discussion in detail.  The question to be asked in the quiet of our time alone is: Am I a Poor Communicator?
TSBNM - Things Said But Not Meant (these can be taken and stuffed back in one's mouth if caught quickily, apology quickly, along with politely requesting to grab wrong words out of air and stuff back in mouth (quickly).
THBNM - Things Heard But Not Meant
UTW - Unseen Tripwires (In relationship you can trip on these and they are either connected to explosive devices or 10-15 baggage cars. Use the code phrase “You hit a tripwire” to reset the playing field)
ITW - Invisible Tripwires (Previously-wired trouble spots in relationships. My Beautiful Bride Joan says that once these have been identified and named as they come up, we can choose to unwire them and become free of them for the rest of our lives)
VEF - Vocal Exploring Facilitator (In Mental Exploring your thots can drift into the mist and you lose your train of thought. In Vocal Exploring with a person you trust who will let you explore thoughts out loud, you have a better chance of staying on track and your thoughts not dissolving into the mist. A Vocal Exploring Facilitator is a fancy word for a “Listener”. A person who takes this role on intentionally for friends is one of the best friends you can find in life.  And if you do it intentionally, you will be one of the best friends people have in life).
PITA - Prayer Is The Answer (You have been invited to invoke the God of the Universe. Or not. Choose.)
PITA - Pain In The Ass
ISOT - In Spite Of Teacher (We’ve all had one of these)
BOT - Because Of Teacher (I hope everyone has had one of these)
OTAAT - One Thing At A Time (Slow it down. You can think better.)
ODAAT - One Day At A Time (Good for if you are feeling overwhelmed)
BMP - Boge Management Plan (Boge: Two cars pull in next to each other in the high school parking lot in the morning, all four doors on each car open at the same time. One door hits the other car door and dings it. “Yo Man! You Boged my car!!” Life Boges or dings us.  We need to have a Boge Management Plan. Pronounced Bõj.
PTHFE - I am Paid To Have Fringe Experiences (said by a National Geographic photographer)
IES - Insatiable Explorer Spirit (The most interesting people in the world have this. Let curiosity be your guide)
RBD - Road Block Day (You wake up and everything seems to have a roadblock in the way. Nothing is smooth. It’s all uphill.  If by noon this hasn’t stopped. Go take a nap. Say the words “I quit”. And start again tomorrow.  Don’t fight it.  It usually does not get better. Tomorrow will be a better day.
RRD - Rough Road Day (You wake up and everything seems to go rough. Nothing is smooth. It’s all uphill.  If by noon this hasn’t stopped. Go take a nap. Say the words “I quit”. And start again tomorrow.  Don’t fight it.  It usually does not get better. Tomorrow will be a better day.
SRD - Smooth Road Day (You wake up and everything goes smooth. Run with it. Go for the productivity. Go for even the hard stuff.  It is a smooth road day. Ride it like a good wave.
STNT - Standard Trust  Needed Times (Everything is Gonna be o.k. eventually)
ATNT - Additional Trust Needed Times (Everything is gonna be o.k. eventually)
AFNT - Additional Faith Needed Times (Everything is gonna be o.k. eventually)
AGNT - Additional Grace Needed Times (Everything is gonna be o.k. eventually)
EBOK - Everything’ll Be OK
GATUMD - God As The Ultimate Movie Director (If anybody could make a movie with a surprise twist ending, God could… with no possible way to guess the ending before it appears. I am expecting the surprise ending of a lifetime.)
GAAC - God As Ambiguous Character (In Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling wrote Professor Snape as an ambiguous character “He's good… no, he’s bad… no, he’s good, no he’s bad…” God allows himself to be written as an ambiguous character and is comfortable with that. Me? I always want to justify myself and say, “I’m not bad… see? Look at the evidence!” God could seem to care less about this and seems to be comfortable even writing himself as an ambiguous character. Free will seems to be the purpose of the experiment. I laud his gambler spirit.
TANAATA - Things Are Not Always As They Appear.
BALADA - Breakfast Activity Lunch Activity Dinner Activity (Useful format for Vacation Planning, but you will be exhausted after the vacation. So remember to add in hammock, or rest, or "off" in the activity slots. The BL&D also insures good blood sugar level and happier times. Aim for Breakfast Lunch and Dinner 1 hour ahead from when you usually eat so you can be late and avoid the ensuing evil blood sugar level drop)
IDUI BITY - I don’t Understand It… But I Trust You.  (= Faith = Growth = Path to Mastery of Trust.   "It’s OK.  It's just another experience."  -Ali Ulwelling
WTII - Worse than it is (Do you paint life...) or
LII - Like It Is (Do you paint life...)
GBP - God Be Praised! (To be said only with British Accent)
GOTS - God of the Sleeves (He’s always got something up them)
RATS - Run All The Spectrums (Barry must talk about this) ****Write this up because this was not included in the videos.
RATS - Run All The Scenarios (Barry must talk about this) ****Write this up because this was not included in the videos.
RATS - Rise Above the Script (Barry must talk about this. See the Video: The Script at Wisdompool.org)
BLG - Be Life Giving
LYMO - Let Your Wildman Out
LYMO - Let The Wildman Out (To be yelled out loud at just the right moment in a crowd)
CAEII - Constant And Ever Increasing Improvement (Thank you Tony Robbins)
PT - Personal Time (I need to take a little PT)
RT - Reflection Time (without it daily I am my Lesser Self)
MLS - My Lesser Self. My Least Self
MHS - My Higher Self, My Highest Self
WHYL? – What Have You Learned? (Walt McNairy says “It doesn’t matter if you have gone through something hard or something wonderful, when it is over, you should ask this one question: ‘What Did You Learn?’ If it was a hard time, you can at least redeem something from it rather than having to go thru it again and maybe get beat up just as bad the second time. If it was a good time, then you can figure out how to get twice as much good next time. This is called “The McNairy Question”.
RTTV – Reach Through The Veil (What you know is on this side of the veil. What you are learning is on the other side of the veil. You cannot see it, you cannot articulate it, cannot name it. It may be tangible or intangible, but you cannot quite put words on it yet. Try. Go ahead try. Reach through the veil. Grab it. Try to feel it's shape, texture, color, temperature, anything. Try to hook a little finger on it and pull it back through the veil. Look at it. Name it. This is your cutting edge. This is your work.  This is what you are working on in life but you have been stuck on, and making no progress.  Einstein says ‘If you define your problem you have 51% of the solution.  If you don’t define it, it remains a fuzzy, hazy thing out there that you never face and address or work on. Reach thru the veil. Pull it back through. Name it. This is your next best thing. This is how you become your Highest Self.
WOO - Windows Of Opportunity (They go by you like on a hanging conveyor belt like doors go by on Monsters, Inc.  If you are not ready when they go by you will say “Hey! There goes a window of opp…” and then it will be gone.  Instead of just waking up in the morning, you must wake up in the morning and get in the starting blocks so that when the windows of opportunity go past, you will say “Hey, There’s a windo… (jump)”
AYAS - Are You A Synchronicity? (It starts with a hunch. But if you learn to ask this question you can find the magic doorways of life) I wanted a pinball machine and didn't know where to buy one. I saw a truck of pinball machines go by. I thought "Are you a Synchronicity?  I made a U-turn. Pulled up next to him at the next stop light. Motioned for him to roll his window down and said  "Will you sell me one of those?  He yelled the name of his business and said "Call me!".  The next week I stood in a huge industrial-sized warehouse full pinball machines (working and broken) with the offer to "Choose the one you like!"   It started with "Are You A Sychronicity?"
TITA - There Is Time Allotted (for this project. Relax. Enjoy it. If God takes you into the next life before it is finished... He didn’t need it to be done by you.)
TILTA - There Is Liberal Time Allotted (Relax Dude)
SG - Screw Guilt (The only bumper sticker I would ever put on my car. And I would put it on upside down.)
SA - Screw Angst
SIOSAF - Suspended Is One Step Away From Settled. Relax in this. Everything’s Gonna Be OK eventually. Act as if it is tomorrow. Feel the release in advance. Let go of the buzz.
LNU - Leave Nothing Unsaid (the key tool in the toolbelt of a good Listener)
SJ - Seek Jesus.  I have experienced that Ultimate Freedom starts here.  You can work your way into God’s inner chambers or your can be granted becoming a daughter or son as a gift. Choose. Freedom thru Acronyms starts with this foundation of all freedom... Being Fully Known and Fully Loved, that’s what we are, when we accept the gift.  But a gift left on the porch is trash.  The gift must be accepted and taken into the house to be enjoyed.


Coming Soon:

MOOPE - Manager Of Other People's Emotions (Many times I am a...)
GUTI Time - Get Used To It Time (Everybody needs this when presented with a new idea that takes a bit of adjusting to, Grant it when proposing a new idea to someone.  Allow yourself a measure of it, when you feel that familiar Auto-recoil)
WAD - Walls Are Doors (Push on everything)
OMS - Our Many Selves (Elizabeth O'Connor says you have conservative and a liberal hiding inside you. Allow yourself to have a frank conversation with each of them and give them their voice while you try to figure out which one you agree with more. We are not just one clear, pure, unified self. We have complexities. We have nuances. We have many selves... and that's o.k.)