Book - Seven Questions

Seven Questions


Barry Sweet



Wouldn’t it be grand

if we had

Seven Questions

That we could carry around

in our back pocket, so to speak… 


So that when we met

someone new

We could swim in the deep end of the pool with them.

to get to know them quickly.


Weather conversations

would be illegal.


Gone would be those predictable, repetetive, superficial conversations.


7 simple questions that

Were perfectly comfortable,

Perfectly tailored

For us.


What do you say after you say hello…?


7 Questions.







One question


From each of the following


7 Themes.




Swim deeply.


Mine the Treasures.


Cultivate rich relationships










Smells from Childhood.


Sounds from Childhood.


Happiest childhood memories.


Coolest places you’ve visited.


Pranks from growing up or killer pranks you know.


Got any good scar stories?


Tell me 3 random stories from your life.






Favorite Flavors.


Things that you find beautiful.


Textures that you love to feel.


Favorite Emotions.


What makes you hoot?


What drives you? 


What do you love?







Do you believe in God?  (Yes or no and why?)


Tell me about your faith.


Describe your actual morning ritual, then describe your dream morning ritual.


What are you praying for?


Is your spirituality works-based or faith-based?


Your 3 questions for God.


If you could say only 3 words to your God for the rest of your life, what would they be?







Who killed JFK?


3 best Presidents.


What makes a good President?


3 wishes.


Favorite political quote.


Will the Euro (or bitcoin) displace the US dollar as the world’s key currency? 


Can Russia recover as a political military and political power and should it?







Your first kiss.


First boyfriend or girlfriend.


Most romantic dinner imaginable.


Do you prefer a bath or a shower?


Do you prefer to make love in the morning or in the evening?



Name a sensual fantasy.








What have you learned? (about life)


What are your philosophies of life?


What did you learn from your mom, dad, grandma or grandpa?


What are you learning right now?


Axioms you use daily.


The person you laugh the hardest with.


What brings meaning to your life?








Who do you admire?


Your dream contribution.


Your heroes from history and why.


Finest Virtues.


The time you cried the hardest.


Tell a feel good story.


If I had 10 billion dollars.




-Back Leaf cover-

Even the traditionally taboo questions that can cause encampment may be asked with this simple approach.

Polarizing is a thing of the past.


A miraculous and simple tool for entering new relationships with personal confidence.


Seven deep and  non-offending questions to enrich our personal daily encounters and existing relationships.