History 101
History 101 (Chronological)
All of Human History in 45 minutes.
A fantastic 45 minute read, that will turn your mind upside-down.
(A notably emerging list. With requests to the wisdompool.org community to communally help fill in the gaps.)
14 Billion Universe's estimated beginning (Hubble/Keck Telescopes)
4.5 Billion Earth's estimated beginning
900 million Algea
570 million Shellfish
500 million Fish
435 million Plants appear on land
410 million Amphibians
330 million Reptiles
300 million Ancestral Rockies & Red Rocks Amphitheater formed
250 million Dinosaurs
145-65 million Dinosaurs become extinct
55 million Mammals
5 million First hominid (Africa: birthplace of human species)
2 million Humans begin to use stone tools
Stone Age begins 2 million-3500 BC
(the 1st of 3 ages of ancient history. Stone, Bronze, Iron)
1.8-50,000 Java man (Island of Java, Indonesia Discovered: 1891)
1 million Ice Age
500,000 Peking man (Bejing, China Asia. Discovered: 1922)
400,000 Spear
300,000–130,000 Bull Lake Ice Age
200,000 Homo Sapiens (Africa)
115,000-10,000 Pliestocene Ice age (from Rocky Mtns to Greenland)
100,000 year glacial cycle
50,000 Oil lamp from shell
48,000 Meteor Crater (N. Arizona) 40,000 mph (like 20m tons of TNT)
45,000 Paint
30,000 Bow & Arrow
30,000 Humans discover fire
30,000 Fired ceramics
30,000 Venus of Willendorf, Austria (sculpture)
20,000 Needle
13,000-10,000 B. C. – Pinedale Ice Age (Last Ice Age) (began 30,000)
13,000 Caveman, Mammoth
12,000 First humans in Americas
12,000 Mud Brick
10,000 Net
10,000 Saber-tooth tiger becomes extinct
10,000 Agriculture begins (discrepancy 8,000)
8000 Animals (chickens) are first domesticated
8000 Humans grow crops and settle in communities
7000 Boat
5000 Irrigation
4400 Biblical Adam & Eve
4000 World Population 7 million
3500 Bronze
3500–1500 Bronze Age begins in Mesopotamia (the 2nd of 3 Ages of ancient history Stone, Bronze, Iron)
3500 Mirror
3200 Wheel
3200 Ink
3000 World Population 14 million
3000 Glass (Egypt & Mesopotamia)
3000 Hieroglyphics & Cuneiform writing are developed in Egypt
2600 Egyptian Pyramids are built
2500 Baths
2350 Toilets (Mesopotamia)
2000 Ball
2000 Chariot
2000 World Population 27 million
1950 Standard Ruler
1900 Iron
1500-330A.D. Iron Age begins in Hittite Empire (the 3rd of 3 Ages of ancient history Stone, Bronze, Iron)
1700 Alphabet (Phoenicia)
1350 Shower
1340 King Tut buried
1290 Hebrews begin their exodus from Egypt to Palestine
1240 Trojan wars (10 years)
1000 China cuts ice from lakes to chill food for summer
1000 Sugar refining (India)
950 King Solomon reigns in Israel
766 First Olympic games are held in Greece
754 Rome founded
620 Coins (Asia minor)
563 Buddha (Guatama) is born in India
551 Confucius is born in China
550 Map
509 The Roman Republic is founded
500 Carpet
450 Abacus
432 The Parthenon is completed in Athens, Greece
400 Socrates (469-399 execution by calm drink cup of hemlock, Athens)
387 Plato Greek philosopher (428-347) Student of Socrates. Hot age: 41
335 Aristotle Greek philosopher (384-322) Student of Plato. Hot age: 49
336 Alexander the Great (Imperialist 1) begins conquest from Egypt -India
306 Epicurus Greek philosopher (341-270) Pleasure: the supreme good & main goal of life
300 Musical Organ
250 Gladiators in Rome
214 Great Wall of China construction begins
190 Parchment
85 Water powered mill
44 Julius Caesar of Rome is assassinated
4 B.C. Jesus Christ is born
1 A. D. World Population 170 million
50 Horseshoe
63 Christian Mission (1st) to Britain. Joseph of Arimathea brings Holy Grail
64 Rome burns (under Nero)
79 Mt. Vesuvius covers Pompeii (20,000) Also 1631, 1779, 1906, 1944
105 Paper (China)
140 Ptolomy Egypt (100-170) Sun revolves around the Earth (Earth center)
195-1000 Mayan Temples Southern & Southeastern part of what is now
Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize (Tikal
Copan, Palenque, Bonampak, Uxmal, Mayapan, Chichen Itza)
Human sacrifice at Tikal, Guatemala. Now Central America.
200 Ice skates
330–1454 Medieval Times = Middle ages Period of European history
between Ancient Times and Modern Times
Golden Age of Medieval = 1200-1300 Renaissance = 1300-1454
367 Bible canonized (Protestant- Athanasius)
395 Christianity made official religion of Roman Empire-Constantine
395 The Roman Empire is divided into Eastern & Western Empires
400 Alchemy begins in Europe
410 Britain gains independence from Rome
476 Western Roman Empire ends when the last Emperor is overthrown
496 King Arthur (465-542 earliest acct) (Legend-dates inexact) Hot age: 31
Merlin, Guinevere, Lancelot, Camelot, Round table, Holy Grail
570 Muhammad is born in Mecca (now Saudi Arabia)
618 Paper $ (China)
732 The Muslim Conquest of Europe is stopped by a Christian victory
(battle of Poitiers)
793 Viking raids from Scandinavia begin on English coast
800 French King Charlemagne is crowned the 1st Emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire
950 Gunpowder (China)
1000 Spinning Wheel
1004 Leif Ericson makes the 1st exploration of the North American Coast
1066 England is invaded by the Normans
1090 Compass (magnetic)
1190 Trojan Horse Greek soldiers invade Troy Phrygia -now Asian Turkey
1095-1270 Crusades to recover the Holy Land for Christianity
1100-1400 Robin Hood Legend (written 1300's) Sherwood Forest, M Men
1158 First European Universities at Bologna, Italy and Paris, France
1206 Genghis Khan Mongolia (Imperialist 2)(1167-1227) Hot age: 39
Largest Empire in history
1208 St. Francis of Assisi 1182 – 1208 Hot age: 26 Rebuilds chapel.
1215 Magna Charta Charter establishing the rights of English barons and
free citizens, granted by King John at Runnymede and
regarded as the basis of civil and political liberty in England.
1280 Canon (canonballs)
1286 Eyeglasses
1296 Marco Polo returns to Italy from his 24 year journey to China & Asia
1300 World Population 360 million
1300-1454 Renaissance: Rebirth from Greek classical thinking.
Vigorous artistic & intellectual activity. Began in Italy.
Transition from Medieval times to Modern times
1300-1500 Aztec Temples. Central part of what is now Mexico
Capital: Tenochtitlan (presently in Mexico City)
Teotihuacan 40 mi NE of Mexico City. Now Central America.
1315 Guns & mechanical clocks developed in Europe
1337-1453 One hundred years’ war. Armed conflict between France and
England during the years from 1337 to 1453.
1346 Plague (black death) enters Europe by rats
1350 Alarm clock (Germany)
1400 Incan Temples Andes, Peru MachuPicchu discovered 1911
Sacsahuaman near Cusco. Now South America.
1400 Oil painting
1405 Screw
1412-1431 Joan of Arc Lead France against England (Hot age: 19)
1411 Patents (Italy)
1454 Guttenberg Bible one of the 1st European books printed from
movable type
1492 Columbus makes 1st voyage to America
1502 First African slaves to Caribbean by Portugese traders
1500 Copernicus (1473-1543) Earth revolves around the Sun. Hot age: 27
1503 Da Vinci (florentine) paints the Mona Lisa (1452-1519 Hot age 50)
1512 Michelangelo (Italian) Sistine chapel (4 yrs) 1452-1519 Hot age: 40
1513 Ponce de Leon Spanish explorer. 1st westerner to reach Florida
St. Augustine: Oldest city in America
1517 Luther begins a public protest against the Roman Catholic Church
Protestant Reformation
1518 First Spanish slave ship from Africa to Americas take 11m over 3 cen
1519 Cortez - Spanish conquistador conquers Aztecs under Montezuma II
in Tenochtitlan (presently Mexico City)
1519 Cortez brings Mexican chocolate to Spain
1521 Magellan names ocean "Pacific" meaning "calm"
1522 First ocean circumnavigation (Victoria 1519-1522) Magellan of Spain
5 ships, 250 people. 1 ship, 18 people. Juan Sebastian del Cano
1530 Bottle cork
1536 Cortez discovers Peninsula of Baja California
1538 Diving bell
1540 Coronado Spanish conquistador explores the American Southwest
1543 Copernicus’s theory that the earth revolves around the sun published
1545 Council of Trent – the Roman Catholic Church resists the Protestant
1560 Condom (Italy)
1565 Pencil
1580 European witch hunts
1590 Microscope/Telescope
1590 Shakespeare (1564-1616. Hot age: 26)
1592 Thermometer (Italy)
1595 Spanish colonize Florida (St. Augustine) (Southern America)
1600 World Population 545 million
1607 English colonize Virginia (Jamestown) (Middle America)
The first permanent English settlement in the United States is founded
(Virginia Co. 144 people. Susan Constance, Discovery, Godspeed)
1608 French colonize Gulf of St. Lawrence (Quebec) (Northern America)
1610 Bagels (Poland)
1610 Galileo Italian Physicist & Astronomer (1564-1642) (a Copernican)
The Earth revolves around the Sun. Trial 1633
Symbol of battle against authority for freedom of inquiry
1620 Mayflower Plymouth , Ma Pilgrims (Plymouth Co.) (MiddleAmerica)
1624 Capitol of British colony is Jamestown (Virginia Co. dissolved)
1625 Three Musketeers in France (written in 1844 by Alexandre Dumes)
Athos, Aramis, Porthos, D'Artagnon under Louis 13th
1636 Harvard founded. America's first University
1645 Rembrandt (Dutch) 1606-1669 Hot age: 40
1649 Louis 14th of France
1650 Vacuum pump
1670 Champagne
1674 Submarine
1675 Pocket watch
1662 Omnibus (book collecting separate works)
1663 Paris is the first city with a good sewer system
1675 A slave in Africa is worth 10 - 15x more in North America
1680 Pueblo Indians in New Mexico under Popé revolt against Spanish rule
1682 Halley's comet discovered (returns every 76 years)
1687 Isaac Newton’s theories of the laws of motion and gravity published
1699 Capitol of British colony moved from Jamestown to WilliamsburgVA
1700 World Population 610 million
1700 Piano
1712 Steam engine (atmospheric)
1718 Machine gun ( heavy - needs stand)
1730 Bach (1685-1750. Hot age: 45) 20 children
1738 Cassion (construction for building underwater)
1741 Carbonated water
1742 Thermometer Celsius (Sweden)
1750 World Population 720 million
1750-1850 Industrial revolution begins (industrial methods of production)
1752 Lightning rod
1755 Dictionary of the English language published by Samuel Johnson
1756-1763 French and Indian war. Issue: The English, wanting to expand
their land, often moved into the land claimed by the French.
French and allied Indians fight against English to determine the
control of the vast colonial territory of North America. English
defeat French and impose taxes on colonies. War was not officially declared until 1756, about a year after Braddock’s defeat
First Battle: Braddock’s defeat 1755
Decisive battle: Plains of Abraham 1759
Final battle: Montreal 1760
1764 Mozart 8 years old composes 1st symphony (1756-91 Hot age 8)
1765 Steam engine James Watt (Scotland)
1769 Steam Carriage
1770 False teeth
1773 Boston Tea Party -Colonial patriots dressed as Indians to protest taxes
1774 First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia
1775 First battles of the American Revolution
Washington appointed commander-in-chief of continental forces
1775 - 1781 Revolutionary War between Great Britain and 13 colonies
First Battle: Lexington-Concorde, Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
Decisive battle: Saratoga,
Final battle: Yorktown 1781
1776 Commercial steam engine produced
1776 The American colonies declare their Independence from Great Britain
July 4th Declaration of Independence signed.
Ideals of self-determination & individual society
"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all are created equal"
1776 Capitol of American colony overtakes and assumes Capitol of British
colony as seat of power at Williamsburg, Va (July 4th)
1781 Britain under Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown the final battle of
the Revolutionary war (Oct 19)
1783 Treaty of Paris (Sept 3) Final peace treaty if Revolutionary War
1783 Hot air balloon
1783 Parachute decent
1784 Bifocals
1785 Power Loom
1788 Constitution written. To revise their form of government.
Addressed checks & balances, government, power, human nature.
Three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, Judiciary
"We the People, in order to form a more perfect union…"
1789 The French revolution begins
1789 Gillotine invented
1789-1797 George Washington (1st president)
1790 Capitol of US moved from Williamsburg to NYC
1790 First US Census
1790 Capitol of US moved from NYC to Philadelphia
1791 Bill of Rights - 12 amendments to the constitution
Guarantee of American's civil liberties
1792 Ambulance
1793 Cotton gin begins a revolution in cotton industry Eli Whitney
1796 Chicken Pox vaccine is introduced
1798 Lithography
1800 World Population 919 million
1800 Capitol of US moved from Philadelphia to Washington DC
1800 Battery
1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson (3rd president)
1802 Gas stove
1803 Locomotive
1803 Louisiana Purchase. US purchase from France. $15M
N Dakota to Colorado…Minnesota to Louisiana
1804 Lewis & Clark Expedition May 14 -: To find the Northwest Passage.
The expedition traveled the length of the Missouri River, crossed the Rocky and Bitterroot Mountains, followed the Clearwater, Snake, and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean and back again.
8,000 mile trek from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean and back.
1804 Napoleon Emporer of France (Imperialist 3)
1809-1852 Braille invented by Louis Braille
1811 Canned food
1812 War of 1812 US declares war on England. Issue: borders and trade
First Battle: Detroit 1812
Decisive battle: Plattsburg Bay 1814
Final battle: New Orleans 1815
This war is difficult because there was a series of fights in at least 3
areas, mostly beginning during the summer of 1812
1814 Beethoven (1770-1827. Hot age: 44)
1815 French Emperor Napoleon is defeated at waterloo and is exiled
1815 Miner's safety lamp
1815 Colt revolver (6 shooter)
1816 Roads macadamized
1818 Revolver
1818 First steamship crossing the Atlantic (name?)
1821 Electric motor
1825 First passenger railroad is built
1826 First photograph is taken
1828 Noah Webster publishes his first dictionary
1829 Sewing machine
1830 Lawn mower
1830 World Population 1 billion
1835-1836 Texas Revolution. Issue: war of independence against Mexico.
The war was very short, about 7 months start to finish.
First Battle: San Antonio 1835
Decisive battle: San Jacinto 1836
Final battle: San Jacinto 1836
1836 The Alamo (Feb. 23) 187 against 2000 Santa Anna lost 600.
1837 Electric telegraph
1838 Combine Harvester
1839 Bicycle
1839 Amistad. Portugese ship kidnaps Africans for slaves. July 1 break free
1840 Postage stamp
1840 Underground railroad (Harriet Tubbman)
1844 Karl Marx lays foundations of communism
1844 Morse code
1844 Anesthetics
1845 Pneumatic tire
1845 Manifest Destiny - territorial expansion of the United States is not
only inevitable but divinely ordained - John Louis O'Sullivan
James Polk #11 (Imperialist 4)(1845-1849)
1846 Saxophone
1846 Nitroglycerine
1846 – 1848 Mexican American War. Issue: Border dispute between U.S. and Mexico on the Rio Grande river. U.S. Manifest Destiny. U.S. wants California territory. This war gave the U.S. the far West. The U.S. paid Mexico $30 million for the land. Disputes over this territory helped cause the Civil War.
First Battle: Palo Alto 1846
Decisive Battle: Buena Vista 1847
Final Battle: Mexico City gates 1847
1847 California gold rush
1848 First Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca falls NY
1848 Revolutions all over Europe
1850 Matches
1850 World Population 1.2 billion
1850 International submarine Telegraph Cable
1850 Native Americans defend their land against European settlers
1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin published by Harriet Beecher Stowe
1853 Hypodermic syringe
1854 Kerosene
1854 Florence Nightingale
1854 Elevator
1855 David Livingstone explores Africa
1855 Can opener (Canned food debut was 1811 explain that!)
1856 Prehistoric remains of woman found in Neander, Germany
1856 Steel manufacture
1859 Internal combustion engine
1859 Charles Darwin’s theory of the evolution of species is published
1860 Joel Estes arrives in Estes Park, CO
1861 Abraham Lincoln (16th president)
1861-65 Civil war. Issue: Slavery. 11 Southern states secede from Union
This is the hardest war to characterize the “Decisive Battle”
Depending on who you ask, it could be Chancellorville, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Petersburg, Atlanta or Gettysburg.
First Battle: Ft. Sumter
Decisive battle: Gettysburg 1863
Final battle: Palmito Ranch
13th amendment to the Constitution abolishes slavery.
1861 Color photograph
1861 Postcard
1863 Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation (January 1)
freedom for all enslaved people in states still in rebellion against the
federal government
1863 Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3 turning point in Civil war)
Confederates under Lee repulsed at Potomac)
1864 Red cross formed (Int'l volunteer organization)
1865 Abraham Lincoln assassinated April 14, Ford's Theater Wash, DC
1865 Civil war ends. Confederates (south) surrender to Union (north)
1865-1900 Industrial Revolution (post civil war)
1865 Dynamite
1865 Monet (French) 1840 -1926 Hot age: 25
1866 Torpedo
1867 Diamonds discovered in South Africa aid development
1867 Reinforced concrete
1868 Blacks granted citizenship in US
1868 Dental drill
1868 Stapler
1869 National women's suffrage assoc.
1869 Transcontinental railroad joins East & West
1872 Yellowstone National Park established. America's 1st Nat'l Park
1872 Chewing gum
1873 Typewriter
1876 Telephone invented – A. Bell
1877 Phonograph Edison
1878 Microphone
1879 Light bulb invented (incandescent) - Thomas Edison
1880 Seismograph
1881 Renoir (French 1841-1919) Luncheon of the boating party Hot age:40
1882 Electric Iron
1883 Krakatoa erupts kills 36,000
1884 Fountain pen
1884 Gasoline engine
1884 Kodak Camera invented
1885 Fingerprints (discovered none identical)
1885 Automobile (Karl Benz)
1885 Motorcycle
1885 Banff Nat’l Park created
1886 Statue of Liberty -Amer/French alliance in American Revolution
1886 Coca Cola
1886 Gold rush in South Africa
1886 Seurat (French 1859-1891) A Sunday afternoon… Hot age: 27
1888 Kodak camera marketed (invented 1884)
1888 Motion Pictures
1888 Record player
1888 Ball point pen invented by John Loud
1888 Van Gogh (Dutch) 1853-1890 Hot age: 35 Suicide age: 37
1889 Eiffel Tower
1889 Coin operated telephone
1890 Yosemite Nat’l Park created
1890 Recording Studio (NY Phonograph
1891 Java man discovered on island of Java, Indonesia
1892 Nutcracker ballet is first performed in St. Petersburg, Russia
1893 Henry Ford builds his first gasoline powered automobile
1893 North American Buffalo reduced from 30 million to 1100
1895 Radio
1895 X rays
1895 Inflatable car tire
1896 Modern Olympic games
1897 Aspirin
1898 Spanish American War. US defeats Spain (4 mos. April-Aug).
Issue: Cuban struggle for independence, American Imperialism,
sinking of the US warship Maine. Most of the fighting occurred in
the Spanish colonial posessions of Cuba & the Philippines, nearly
halfway around the world from each other.
First Battle: Manila Bay (Naval)
Decisive battle: San Juan Heights
Final battle: Santiago Bay
1899 Nicola Tesla (1856-1943 Hot: age 43)
1900 World Population 1.6 billion
1900 Sound movies
1900 Sigmund Frued
1900 Zeppelin
1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt (26th president)
1901-1945 Builders born: Married once, big band, save it, buy w/ cash, ethi
1901 Vacuum cleaner
1902 Mt Pelee erupts on Martinique, West Indies (26,000 die) Greatest loss
1903 Airplane. The Wright brothers make the first successful air flight
1904 - 1914 Panama Canal built
1905 Diamond Largest S. Africa. The Cullinen (size of 1.4 lb. grapefruit)
1905-1916 Einstein’s Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Hot Age: 26-36
1906 Jukebox
1906 Finland 1st country to give women the right to vote on equal basis
1910 Sea plane
1911 Airmail
1911 Air Conditioning
1912 Titanic (April 14) 2200 on board. 1513 died. 700+ saved
1914-18 World War 1. Issue: Bolsheviks/Stalin advancing communism. Entangling alliances between European nations; King first, God second; overseas conflicts between imperialistic powers; old nationalistic rivalries.
First battle: Battle of Means
Decisive battle: Tannenburg Forest (Russia)
Final battle: Meuse-Argonne Offensive
1914 35mm camera
1914 Zipper
1914 49 Elk imported to Estes from Greater Yellowstone (4500 current)
1915 RMNP established
1915 Traffic light
1915 Heat resistant glass
1916 Einstein (1879-1955) Theory of Relativity published. Hot age: 41
1916 Tank
1917 The Russian revolution brings the world’s first Communist
government to power
1920's Washing machine, Refrigerators, vacuum cleaners
Electricity reaches 60% of American homes
Energy use triples
Chain stores put local retailers out of business
1920 League of Nations - a forum for nations to settle post WW1 disputes
1920 Radio broadcasts – regularly scheduled begin
1920 Women given right to vote in US (19th amendment)
1920 Hair dryer
1920 Hitler starts Nazi party (Imperialist 5)
1920 Mahatma Ghandi - peaceful civic disobedience
1920 Tommy machine gun (hand held)
1921 Insulin
1922 King Tut discovered (buried 1340 B. C.)
1921 Highway (Germany)
1921 Lie detector
1922 Peking man discovered in Bejing, China Asia (500,000)
1923 Bulldozer
1924 Ford 10 million cars
1926 TV (black & white)
1926 Liquid fuel rocket (Goddard)
1927 Charles Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic by plane (Spirit of St. Louis)
1927 Mt Rushmore 465 ft tall
1927 Laurel & Hardy
1928 Jet engine
1928 TV (color)
1928 Penicillin discovered (first antibiotic)
1928 Mickey mouse born
1929 Stock market crashes. Great worldwide economic depression begins.
1930 Toaster
1931 Empire State Building 1250 ft. 102 stories.
1932 Babe Ruth (1895-1948) NY Yankees. Hot age: 25 -40 (1920's & 30's)
1932 Amelia Earhart First woman flight across Atlantic
1933 Radar
1933 Polyethelene
1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt New deal to aid economic crash recovery
1933 The Nazi party establishes dictatorship in Germany.
1933-1945 Holocaust. Nazi’s kill 6 million Jews
1934 Nylon, nylons
1935 Tape recorder
1935 Amelia Earhart First woman flight across Pacific
1936 Television broadcasts - regularly scheduled begins
1936 Helicopter invented by Igor Sikorsky
1937 Amelia Earhart First woman to attempt flight around the world.
Disappeared July 2.
1938 Photocopier
1939 Insecticide DDT
1939 World War II begins. Allied forces:America, British, French, Norway
Issue: Axis coalition Germany/Italy/Japan unsatisfied ww1 outcomes
advance Hitler's Naziism, Mussolini' Facsism and Japan's
Totalitarianism. Desire of Axis powers to spread over Europe, Asia
and Africa for economic and political purposes. German
First battle: Poland
Decisive battle: Kursk (Russia), Battle of the Bulge, Phillipines
Final battle: Okinawa 1945 (dropping of nuclear bombs)
1939 Einstein warns FDR of potential development of Atomic bomb in Ger
1939 Childcare facilities begin?
1941 Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor Dec 7th (U.S. enters the war)
1941 Aerosol
1942 Nuclear reactor developed
1942 Missiles (rocket propelled)
1942 Scuba
1944 World War II
Battles: Normandy Invasion June
Battle of the Bulge December (last German offensive of WW2)
1945 Nuclear weapons developed?
1945 Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki killing 12,000
1945 World War II ends
Decisive battle: Final battle:
1945 Hitler commits suicide
1945 United Nations is founded
1945-1989 Cold War Issue: Post WWII struggle between US and its allies
& the USSR and its allies. Rivalry between 2 political ideologies of
democracy/capitalism and Communism. Coined by Walter Lippman
in his book by that name. War w/o the occurrence of actual warfare.
1946-1964 Baby boomers born: divorced, rock, buy it w/ credit, sensual
1946 Computer, Mainframe
1946 Microwaves, microwave oven (commercial)
1953 DNA discovered (the structure of the genetic material)
1953 First ascent of Mt. Everest - Tenzing Norgay & Edmund Hillary 5-29
1947 First to break sound barrier. Chuck Yeagar (Oct 14)
1947 Transistor
1948 LP record 33 ½ LP
1949 Top 40
1950 World Population 2.5 billion
1950 - 53 Korean war. Issue: N. Korea advancing communism on S. Korea
Decisive battle: Final battle:
1950 Credit card (Diner's club)
1953 Aircraft speed record Edwards Airforce base Yeagar 1650mph - X1A
1954 Transistor radio
1954 Contraceptives (oral)
1954 Atomic power station USSR
1954 Beatles first N. American concert San Fransisco (Aug. 19)Candlestick
1955 Disneyland opens (Walt 1901-1966 Hot age: 54)
1956 Elvis: Rock & Roll
1956 Heart pacemaker
1956 Video tape
1957 Fiber optics
1957 The Soviet Union launches the first space satellite Sputnik (Oct 4)
1957 Mickey Mantle (1931-1995 Hot age: 26) ( Hot times: 1951-1964)
1958 Nuclear disarmament begins
1958 -59 Alaska & Hawaii become US
1958 Headphones (Koss stereo headphones)
1959 Hovercraft
1960 Laser
1960-1970 Jane Goodall. Wild Chimpanzees. Lake Tanganyika, Africa
1961-1963 John F. Kennedy (35th president)
1961 First chimp into space. 1 minute. Return in capsule. Star City Russia
1961 First US chimp into space "Ham" (Jan 31)
1961 First human launched into space Yuri Gagarin 108 min. (April 12)
1961 First American into space Alan Shepard 15 min. (May 15) Freedom 7
1961 Peace Corp established by JFK
1961 East Germany builds Berlin wall (iron curtain)
1961 World Wildlife Fund created
1962 Skateboard
1962 First to orbit earth. John Glenn 3x. Friendship 7 (Feb. 20)
1962 Cuban Missile crisis. Issue: US discovers nuclear missiles on way to
soviet base in Cuba
1962 Beatles first hit: "Love me do"
1963 John Kennedy assassinated
1963 Cassette tape recorder
1964 Beatles Ed Sullivan Show
1964 Word processor
1965-1976 Generation Xers born: Single parent, rap, want it, cautious
1965 -75 US invades Vietnam. Issue: to stop spread of Communism
Fear: domino theory. Kills 58,00 Americans 50x Asians (3-4 m)
N. Vietnam + NLF. S. Vietnam + US
Failed 1975 Vietnam reunified under communist control
1965 Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
1965 Automatic flight landing
1966 Beatles final concert (Candlestick Park, San Francisco)
1967 Heart transplant (first operation performed)
1967 Apollo 1 spacecraft flash fire during a launch pad test at Kennedy
Space Center, Florida. Virgil Ivan "Gus" Grissom dies January 27
1969 Lunar landing 1: Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin. (July 20)
Michael Collins stays in Command module
1969 Woodstock Friday at 5:07pm August 15 - mid-morning
Monday August 18. 50 miles from Woodstock NY
1969 Lunar landing 2: Apollo 12 Conrad, Gordon, Bean (November)
1970 World Population 3.6 billion
1970 Apollo 13 (April 11) Lovell, Swiggart, Haise
1970 Kent State (May 4) Anti Vietnam confrontation 4 killed, 11 wounded
1970 Floppy disk
1971 Lunar landing 3: Apollo 14 Alan Shepard (golf), Roosa, Mitchel (Jan)
1971 Lunar landing 4: Apollo 15 LRV. David Scott, Worden, Irwin (July)
1971 Space Station Salut (USSR)
1971 DisneyWorld opens
1972 Lunar landing 5: Apollo 16 Young, Mattingly, Duke (April)
1972 Watergate burglary and cover-up begins (June 17)
1972 Lunar landing 6: Apollo 17 Gene Cernan (last), Evans, Schmidt (Dec)
1972 Home video games
1972 CATscan
1973 World Trade Towers 1,728ft. 110 stories. Was world’s tallest bldg
1973 Watergate 8 tapes subpoenaed. Nixon refuses for National Security
1973 Watergate 8 tapes given by Nixon 18 min. gap conversations missing)
1974 Watergate 64 additional tapes subpoenaed (July)
1974 Nixon resigns (Aug. 9)
1974 Ford pardons Nixon for all crimes committed in White House (Sept)
1974 Sears Tower 1,450ft. (roof) 110 stories. World’s 2nd tallest after 9-11.
1974 Wave powered generator
1975 World Population 3.9 billion
1975 Jaws Spielberg
1976 US Bicentennial
1976 SST
1976 Riots in S. Africa (apartheid)
1976 Punk Rock begins (sex pistols)
1977-1977 Net Geners born: Ska, swing, get it, buy online, tolerant
1977 Star Wars: Lucas
1978 Personal computer (Macintosh Steve Jobs/PC Bill Gates Microsoft)
1978 Test tube baby
1978 Catalytic converter (turns 3 harmful compounds into harmless ones)
The catalyst helps to convert carbon monoxide into carbon
dioxide. It converts the hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water.
It also converts the nitrogen oxides back into nitrogen and oxygen.
1980 Walkman (Sony)
1980 John Lennon murdered
1981 AIDS reported
1981 Still video camera
1981 First Space shuttle (Columbia)
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark: Spielberg
1982 Artificial heart
1982 Wind farm
1982 Hole in ozone layer discovered
1983 Satellite TV
1983 Cruise missile
1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union and
begins making changes (Glasnos - openness & candor in media,
Perestroika - restructuring, legalize small entrepreneurial business)
1986 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant explodes
1986 Halley's comet again
1988 Free Bird Lynard Skynard Peter Frampton
1989 Tiananmen square China - students for democracy shot
1989 Poland democratic elections
1989 Berlin wall demolished (The East German regime was on the verge of
collapse, and on November 9, enthusiastic private citizens began to
demolish whole sections of the wall without interference from
government officials).
1989 Soviet Competitive elections instituted by Gorbachev
1990 CD Player (Sony)
1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty signs by Gorbachev & Bush (July)
1991 Soviet Union proclaimed defunct (December 7) Boris Yeltsin signs an
agreement proclaiming the Soviet Union to be defunct and
announcing the formation of a Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev announced his resignation
as president in a solemn television address. The remaining Soviet
parliament passed its final resolution, acknowledging the dissolution
of the Soviet Union, on December 26. On December 31 all residual
functions of the first Communist state ceased: The USSR no longer
1993 Jurassic Park: Spielberg
1993 World Trade Tower basement bomb
1995 Oklahoma City Bombing April 19
1997 Mother Teresa dies (1910-1997)
1998 Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
World’s tallest building 1483 ft 111 floors
2000 World Population 6.253 billion
2001 World Trade Towers destroyed by terrorism (Osama bin Laden)
2003 Space Shuttle Columbia explodes upon re-entry (Feb 1)
2003 US invades Afghanistan
2003 US invades Iraq
2004 SST stops flying
Dates requesting the wisdompool.org community to add:
Cell phone
Internet begins
Jackson 5 Ed Sullivan
Michael Jackson dies
Flat screen TV
Blue Ray DVD
3D movies
Significant People, Inventions, Discoveries, World Events since 2004
Pattern Detection Notes:
Note: 6 times a person has come to earth and said "This whole planet is mine." These I call The Imperialists.
Also Note: Each invention is predicated on the invention discovered right before it.
Also also note: The hot age for philosophers in in their 40’s, the hot age for inventors and artists in is their 20’s - 40's..
Photo by Nasa